Uber Account Deactivated Or Disabled?
Appeal Accounts is a recovery service for permanently deactivated Uber accounts. Our team of specialists will appeal the decision and get your account reactivated within 3 working days.

Appeal Accounts is a recovery service for permanently deactivated Uber accounts. Our team of specialists will appeal the decision and get your account reactivated within 3 working days.
Uber Account deactivation can easily be noticed. They will either send you an email or a message notifying you about it, or you may be issued one of the following messages when you open the Uber Driver app.
Notifications above clearly indicates that your Uber account has been deactivated or disabled. Sometimes it’s also possible that there’s another reason you’re receiving these alerts. It might possibly be a glitch on the Uber’s end. Contacting Uber support is the only way to be certain that you’ve been deactivated.
If any of the following reasons apply to your Uber account deactivation then you won’t receive any warnings as it strictly goes against Uber’s code of conduct and it’s an immediate deactivation.
1. Inappropriate Behaviour:
Using language or gestures that are intimidating, discriminating, as well as acting in an aggressive, confrontational, or harassing manner, are examples of inappropriate behaviour.
2. Discrimination:
This refers to treating someone unfairly because of their sexual orientation, gender, age, or race.
3. Drug use and alcohol:
Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not permitted while driving.
4. Refusing Passengers:
Refusing a rider a trip because of their animal or pet is not allowed.
5. Using Uber for criminal activities:
Using Uber to commit a crime is not not permitted.
Here we provide some of the most frequent reasons on why Uber accounts get deactivated, It’s usually related to not following the Uber guidelines.
Uber requires you to keep up a minimum rating in order to be a driver. Your passengers will rate you for each ride that you complete.
You’ll do better if your star rating is higher. But there’s a minimum threshold rating for drivers. You may be deactivated for having low ratings. The minimal rating differs according to your city.
When you agree to accept an trip and then decide cancel, that is a cancellation.
Uber does not recommend this, and your cancellation rate is monitored.
If your cancellation rate is getting close to the threshold, you run the risk of having your Uber account deactivated.
While having a low acceptance rate is not as essential as having a high cancellation rate or a driver rating, it is still not advised.
Try to avoid having a low cancellation rate or sign out off the Uber app if you’re not feeling up to it. In the event that your acceptance rate drops below the predetermined level.
The customer gets the option to rate the driver out of 5 stars regarding their experience. Additionally, they can contact Uber customer service to report their experience.
Uber will deactivate your account if customers are complaining about you on a frequent basis. Of course, there may be instances in which complaints from customers are not true, but there’s not much you can do.
Uber requires that all the documents must be valid. This covers your driver’s license, the vehicle’s registration and insurance details, and other vehicle related information.
To avoid being deactivated by Uber always update the information in your account, simply by contacting support and submitting the required documents.
Driver ratings is one of the primary reasons for a Uber account deactivation. There is an average rating limit that you need to maintain to continue delivering with Uber, you should aim for a minimum of 4.6 stars to avoid being monitored.
If your Uber driver rating falls below 4.3 stars there is a high possibility your account will be deactivated permanently, as they notice you’re not providing your customers with a quality service.
Keep your cancellations low. Sometimes, canceling a trip is inevitable. You get a flat tire or you’re stuck in traffic and there is no way that you could reach the customer within the time frame. But do everything you can to keep the cancellation rate down.
If you are not able to complete a trip after you’ve accepted it, ask the customer if they can request the cancellation on their side in the app so it doesn’t affect your driver rating.
Always check if Uber has requested any documents on the app or via email, as they have a protocol to do checks on drivers every 3-6 months they can request documents such as background checks, drivers licence, vehicle documents, insurance documents etc.
They do these checks to protect the drivers and passengers, so to avoid getting your Uber account deactivated always have your recent documents ready to submit.
To get your Uber account reactivated it can take anywhere from a few days up to a week from submitting the appeal request.
If your Uber account is deactivated and the appeal was denied then we don’t recommend submitting anymore appeal requests as it can make your suspension permanent and more complicated to reactivate.
Uber doesn’t only look at your driver rating, there could be several reasons for your account deactivation such as customer complaints, cancellation rate etc.
We have a high success rate in appeals but can’t guarantee to reactivate your Uber account but we offer a money back guarantee, if we are unsuccessful in the appeal process.
Uber does sometimes deactivate their drivers if inactive for more than a year, however we can appeal the decision.
If Uber doesn’t pay out your earnings when deactivated, the only way to resolve this is by appealing.
If your Uber account has been deactivated, you are not allowed to make another account as it goes against their terms and conditions.
From our experience Uber does give the driver several warnings whether that’s in the app or via email before deactivating an account.